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Note to webmasters (delete after reading):

Please consult the Wiki (double-click "Wiki Help" in the Packs list on the right) for more detailed instructions. 

The description below only covers the most basic scenario to get you started.

1: Preview (F12) this administration page in a browser, to initialize the system.

2: Place Pack(s) 50 onto each website page that you want to contain one or more  "items" (dynamic content).

3: Preview (F12) each of these pages in a browser to automatically add the items to the database.

4: You can now test content editing using the administration page, by opening it in a browser (F12).

Note: The data entered locally is not transferred when the site is published online. To copy the data from offline to online, please follow the procedure described in the Wiki.


Once you've published the website, open the administration page in a browser, then each page containing items (see steps 1 and 3). You can now edit the content online using the administration page. There is no need to use openElement to update the content, no need to upload the project again.


IMPORTANT: Before publishing the site online, protect this page - the current security password is insufficient. Use "UserSpace" Packs, or openElement's built-in securing of pages (right-click this page in the Site Explorer on the left, then choose “Secure the page”).

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